What happens on a Friday night?

A big thankyou to Michael Rollins who very kindly came into KS1 classes  to explain the importance of a Friday night growing up in the Jewish faith. He told us all about Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, which happens each week from sunset on a Friday to sunset on a Saturday.  It involves a family meal on a Friday night, often before or after a visit to the synagogue, when  Shabbat blessings are said in Hebrew.  Michael instructed us all how to say the Hebrew alphabet and brought with him the Tallith (prayer shawl) he had as a child.  We were also very interested to have a go with a dreidel (a spinning top) which is used for a game played during the holiday of Hannukah and a kippah (a brimless cap to cover the head).  He also showed us a  Mezuzah, a decorative case which Jewish people place on the right doorframe of the entrance to their homes and contains the Shema prayer. We went on to have a go at making our own Mezuzahs and writing in Hebrew!