Autumn 2 week 1 2023

Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term  in Pear class!

We have been reflecting on our experiences of bonfire night this week with lots of us watching fireworks outside or from our windows- how exciting! We talked about the lovely colours and shapes the fireworks made and began to find out about why bonfire night is an event. We discovered that Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parliament a very long time ago with the King inside! We looked at some pictures of Guy Fawkes and thought about how different his clothes were to what people wear today. We thought about how things can change over time! ‘Remember, remember the 5th of November!’


This week we have also been thinking about the fallen soldiers from the war and have been developing our understanding about what remembrance day is and why it is an important occasion to mark. We had a go at making our own poppies with lots of different crafty bits and pieces- aren’t we good?!


We have been doing lots of consolidation of our sounds this week and recapping our blending of sounds to try and read words independently. Please continue to read at home and remember to record in reading records please.


Our maths this week has been focussed on capacity, carrying out lots of practical activities and continuing to develop our mathematical skills and language, especially comparing and ordering amounts in containers.

Our RE this week saw us thinking about birthdays! We all celebrate a birthday every year! We thought about Jesus and how we Christians celebrate his birthday every year at Christmas. We also decided that even people who are not Christians join in at Christmas and have fun.

We have been listening to ‘Roll Alabama’ in Charanga and have had fun finding the pulse. We enjoyed singing ‘I’m a little teapot’ and clapping out the rhythm too!

In ‘Jigsaw’, we have been thinking about our achievements and what we are good at and are beginning to understand that everyone is good at different things.


It was lovely to see so many of you at parent consultations this week and catch up about your children’s fabulous achievements from Pear class so far this year.


Have a lovely weekend,

The Pear class team