Week 5-6.10.23

Another week has flown by in Plum class! We have been busy busy busy this week, here are the highlights!

For our reception children, our Read Write Inc sessions this week saw us learn some new sounds ‘f, e, l, h, and special friends ‘sh’. We did lots of activities based around each sound including lots of magnet blending with the previous sounds we have learnt.

Maths for reception this week involved lots of sorting into different groups and working out the sorting rules. We loved thinking of different ways to sort natural materials such as conkers, leaves and pine cones. We then thought about further ways to sort these and could explain our reasons for our choices. 

For our year one children, maths was all about recognising numbers as words. This was quite tricky and so we will continue to work on this throughout the year. 

In our topic work this week, our learning was centred around cars! We really enjoyed ur focus story, ‘Mr Gumpy’s motor car’! We thought about what we already know about cars and what we use them for, their features and places we may have travelled in a car. We looked at old cars and new cars and we even found out about Karl Benz who invented the first ever car!

Reception, did some brilliant experiments with toy cars- finding out which surfaces they travelled best on.  Some of us predicted that the cars would travel fastest on grass but when we tested them we realised that grass slowed the cars down quite a bit! We loved this investigation! 

Year one enjoyed using the loose parts to construct old and new cars. This activity had a real emphasis on the history element of our topic and we continued our discussions about the differences between old and new transport.

In Plum class we are very kind friends with kind hands. We thought about what being gentle and kind hands looks like in our PHRSE ‘Jigsaw’ session and we all understand why it’s important to have kind hands. We will continue to practice this as we play and learn everyday.
Another busy week is coming up next and we can't wait to welcome you all for family lunch on Wednesday at 11.30am!

Have a lovely weekend-Mrs Edwards