Week 2- 15.9.23

What a fantastic start to Plum class we have all had! We are becoming very settled into our new school routines and have managed lots of new changes incredibly well!

In Read Write Inc, Reception children have been busy learning the first five speed sounds- m, a, s, d and t. We are all keen to practise the formation of these letters at home on our sheets we will bring back today!

Year One children have been paying a visit to their own KS1 groups and they have been revisiting the learning that took place before the holidays. They have continued to practice speed sounds, blending cvc and cvcc words and have enjoyed lots of reading/writing opportunities.

In our maths this week, Reception children have been exploring our fabulous areas of provision and getting used to our new resources. We have spent lots of time this week getting to know what the children can do and what they need further support with. This has allowed us to create a starting point for our children.

In year one, we have been thinking about sorting and what this means. We enjoyed sorting in lots of ways! Can you remember any?

Our afternoons have been spent getting to know the children better by finding out about them and their families as well as how they travel around Alnwick. Lots of us walk, lots of us use the car and some of us even go on the bus! Next week we will continue our travel themed work as we begin our topic of travel and transport!

What else have we been up to?:

-Drawing club- Reception children

-Handwriting and funky fingers club- Year One

-RE- thinking about what makes us special

-PE- moving in different ways- keep practising hopping, skipping and jumping at home too, we found this tricky!

-Music- singing nursery rhymes and following the beat of the music


What a couple of weeks it has been! We are very proud of all of the children! We can’t wait to welcome all our Plum friends back again on Monday! Until then, have a lovely weekend-Mrs Edwards