Home Learning Summer Term

Home Learning Information
Each week, children will be loaned a book from our reading scheme. Please send a book bag with them each day to carry these to and from school.
We would be grateful if you could:
  • Encourage your child to read these books with you at home;
  • Make a comment or sign your child's reading record to let us know that they have read and how they managed;
  • Send their reading books and reading records with them to school each day in a book bag.
As well as a reading scheme book, your child will have free choice of a book from the school library each week. 
Spellings will be set and tested each Friday. Please encourage your child to practise these regularly – little and often is usually the most effective method for long-term learning.
Due to the way we teach reading, sometimes different children may have different spellings at different times! Your child should know which spelling group they are in. If they aren't sure, drop me a message and I'll let you know.
Your child will sometimes be given a short home learning task on a Friday, to be completed before the following Friday.
As well as this, please practise times tables and number facts regularly with your child at home. By the end of year two, children are expected to know the number facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Online Resources
As part of our blended learning approach (face-to-face and online), we often use these online resources:
If you need or have forgotten your password for any of these, please let me know!
Many thanks,
Mr J

26th April - 3rd May 2024
The sound /ee/ spelt -ey
Thanks to everyone who completed their title page homework from last week. There are some excellent examples!
If you haven't done your title page yet, you'll need to look back at last week's homework so you can catch up!
Now you've chosen the focus for your topic, you now need to decide the areas that you're going to research. These may be different to other people's, depending on the animal you've chosen.
Step 2: Planning and asking questions.
1. Think of at least 3 things you would like to find out about your animal. Say each of them as a question; for example, 'What do they eat?' Your questions shouldn't be ones that can be answered with a yes or no answer. You might want to think about where they live, how they hunt, what they look like, how they look after their young...try to find questions that you'll be able to find out lots about!
2. Create a contents page using your questions. This needs to be neat and well presented, as it will be included in your project. Don't forget, you will need a capital letter and a question mark for each question! You won't be able to put page numbers on your contents page, but list the questions in the order you're going to talk about them in your project.
All I'm expecting to see next Friday is your contents page. You don't need to answer the questions yet, although it's fine if you want to do a little bit of research to give you a head start in later weeks.
Mr J

19th April - 26th April 2024
Adding suffixes (-ing-ed-er-est and -y) to words ending in a single consonant after a short vowel sound.
The rule is: DOUBLE THE CONSONANT then add the suffix.
(pat) patting
(pat) patted
(hum) humming
(hum) hummed
(drop) dropping
(drop) dropped
(sad) sadder
(sad) saddest
(fun) funny
(run) runny
This term, we have decided to focus on a longer-term project for your homework tasks.

Each week, I will be giving you the next step to complete on your project.

As our area of study in science this term is 'animals and their habitats', your project is going to be about any animal of your choice. You could choose dogs, cats, elephants, sharks, orangutans, owls, frogs...the list goes on and on!

Step One: Choosing the focus of your project and making a title page.

This week, I would like you to:

1.  Decide which animal your project will be about.

2. Make a title page (A4 paper, please) for your project with the name of your animal on (for example, you might call your project 'All About Animals'). It would also be a great idea to include a picture! If you don't have any blank A4 paper at home, you can grab some from school.

All I am expecting to see next Friday is your title page; however, you might want to start doing a little bit of reading about your chosen animal - you could visit the library to find some books or ask an adult to help you find some information on the Internet. You don't need to write any of this research down (yet) but it will give you a great head start!

Any questions, please ask!


Mr J