Week 6: Monday 27th April

Monday 27th April 2020

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to another week of Home Learning. Like last week, I have marked the tasks that I would like to be emailed with @ EMAIL!  and I have also added some further information. I was blown away by your response to the activities that I set last week, so a very big well done to all of you! I have added some of your work to the home learning gallery on our class page. 


Activity 1:

Using the for and against arguments that you came up with last week (well done everyone, these were fantastic), we are going to write a balanced argument titled ‘Should plastic be banned?’. I have attached a copy of a planning template to help you structure your writing. Like any good written argument, you need to start with an introduction which introduces the reader to the writing and tells them a little bit about the topic of the text. To make things simpler I have written the introduction for you on the planning sheet. You can use my example if you wish but please feel free to write your own if you are feeling ambitious! After the introduction, we move onto the main body of the text – the actual argument! We are going to start with a reason FOR plastic. Use the sentence starters on the sheet to help introduce your paragraph. Try to add as much explanation and detail as possible about your point, using ‘because’ to extend your sentence. Your next paragraph will be a reason AGAINST plastic, again add as much detail as you can. The next two paragraphs are another one for and another one for against. To finish your argument, you need to write a conclusion. In the conclusion you need to state what you think. Do you want to ban or keep plastic? Remember to add your reason why! Now your argument is complete, it is time to edit……

Activity 2: @ EMAIL! Please can you email your completed final draft of your argument.

Using the argument written in task 1, it is now time to edit and improve your writing, just like we do with any extended written pieces done in class. Choose a different coloured pen or pencil and think about:

  •          Spellings (use a dictionary or the internet to look up unknown words).
  •          Capital letters and full stops.
  •          Commas for fronted adverbials.
  •          Apostrophes for omission (contractions) and possession.
  •          Adventurous vocabulary (use a thesaurus or the internet to find more ambitious vocabulary).
  •           Have you got more than one sentence in each paragraph? Can you add extra detail using ‘because’ to extend sentences?

Once you have finished your editing, you need to write your final draft. You can write this on paper or type it up using Word or Google Sheets. Please could you then email me a copy of your final draft – I cannot wait to see what you think about the use of plastic!

Activity 3:

I would like you to read for 30 minutes. You could read a fiction story book, a magazine, a recipe book, a non-fiction book, a comic… the list is endless. Once you have completed your reading, pick a task from below to complete:

  •          Create a new front cover for what you have read
  •          Create a wordsearch which includes key vocabulary from your reading
  •          Write a book review
  •          Write a blurb
  •          Create a poster advertising what you have read
  •          Draw an illustration of one of the characters or things from your text
  •          Write a character description
  •          Create a model which relates to what you have read
  •          Write the next chapter of your text

Try to pick a different activity to the one you completed last week! If you have any more suggestions of activities that I could add to the list, please let me know!

Activity 4:

Please could you complete 2 pages of your Punctuation and Grammar booklet.

Activity 5:

Spellings for this week are set below for all 3 groups. Have a go at the 'look, say, cover, write' approach but why not try other ways of learning your spellings. Write them in different colours, in different letter styles ( wobbly, bubble), small letters, big letters or why not time yourself to see how quickly you can write them all or how many times you can write one word in 30 seconds! Get someone at home to test you on your words to see how many you have learnt!


Group 1 Group 2 Group 3


Activity 1:

The last step in our decimal journey is rounding decimals numbers with 1 decimal place (a number in the tenths column) to the nearest whole number. I have attached a PowerPoint and a worksheet below for you to work through. Here is an example of how to round to the nearest whole number:

Step 1: Find the ones column.


Step 2: Look at the number to the right (the tenths)


Step 3: Round the units.

We have an 8, so the 4 in the ones is going to increase by 1 to make 5.


Step 4: Remove the decimal


So, 24.8 rounded to the nearest whole number is 25.

Top Tip - Rounding rhyme:

One to four, slide to the floor. Five to nine, climb the vine.


Activity 2:

Our next maths topic is money. To kick this unit off, we are going to recap pounds and pence. There is a PowerPoint and worksheet attached for you to work through.

Top tip:

£1 = 100p

Activity 3:

Please complete one Big Maths sheet from your home learning pack.

Activity 4:

Please complete 2 pages of your Schofield and Sims book.

Activity 5:

Please complete the challenge I have set for you on Timetable Rockstars.



@ EMAIL! Please can you email your response to the experiment. You could email pictures, make a presentation, draw what happened or take a picture of your worksheet – it is completely up to you!

Our next science lesson focuses on heating and cooling solids and the changes that take place. There is a PowerPoint attached below to run through. The main activity is an experiment looking at the effect that different temperatures have on chocolate.

To complete the experiment, you will need 3 bowls or tubs with different temperatures of water in: one cold, one warm and one hot. PLEASE GET AN ADULT TO HELP YOU WITH THIS! You will then need to make 3 tin foil trays or little boats and float them on the water, one in each tub. Place a piece of chocolate (butter or margarine would work too) on top of each tray and observe how long it takes for each to melt. Before you start the experiment, there is a worksheet to complete which encourages you to make a prediction and also to think about how you are going to make sure your experiment is a fair test. After the experiment, make sure you complete the conclusion on the worksheet stating what you have found.


Finally, Mr J has added some e-safety advice to the school website, it can be found here: http://www.swansfield.northumberland.sch.uk/website/coronavirus_-_e-safety_advice__support/474613   

Good luck with your home learning tasks this week and remember to take lots of breaks and keep smiling! I’m looking forward to seeing your work and giving you feedback on it.

Stay safe Chestnut class and I’ll be touch again soon….

Miss M :)