Blog 3 - 27th September

Hello Apples and what a lovely week we've had!


This week we have continued our learning around faces and begun to look at others and how we all look so different. We have recognised our own facial features, by noticing our hair and eye colour and then seeing who else in Apple Class has the same or similar to us.

We used this information to paint ourselves, using the correct colours to match.



To support the delivery of phonological awareness this week the children have thoroughly enjoyed making and using their 'big ears' to listen for environmental sounds (see photos below!) We had to listen out for lots of different sound and we found it easily to listen with our eyes closed!

You can continue with this at home over this weekend, wherever you are stop and have a listen and see if your child can listen to the simple sounds and noises around them. 


On Friday Apple class celebrated European languages day - we chose the country France to learn about! We learnt a new phrase, (Bonjour,) and learnt the colours on the French flag and used these to make our own representations.


Again this week we have been focusing on our 3C's.  This time we talked about Gerald from Giraffes can’t dance’ and how he is such a Courageous character and how we can be like Gerald, by always trying our best and never giving up! Last week we read and looked at our Curious character is Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk.


We have been such busy Apples this week! Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next week for lots of Autumnal fun! Please keep bringing in lots of Autumnal treasures - lots of conkers and pine cones needs for counting! Thank you. 

 Have a fun filled weekend! 

Ms Farrar