Head Teacher's Blog 03.06.24

2nd June 2024

Hoping that everyone has had a great holiday. We’re looking forward to getting the last half term of the year started, there’s lots to look forward to in the coming weeks. 

Here are some important things to remember this week: 

  • It’s a training day on Monday 3rd June, we are looking forward to seeing all of the children on Tuesday 4th June. 

  • Please order your child’s lunches for the coming week or weeks and it’s very much appreciated if you could do this even if  your child is having a packed lunch. Doing so saves us a huge amount of admin time. 

  • There are no teacher-led clubs on Thursday after school. These begin again on Monday 10th June.  

  • Please refer to PE letters sent before the holiday for your child’s PE days and swimming (LKS2)

  • As the weather remains very changeable, please send children prepared for all eventualities - waterproof coats, sun hats and sun cream. Water bottles are also a must!

Here are some important dates for the week: 

  • Y4 head to Ford castle for their residential on Wednesday morning. We know they’ll have a great time and we look forward to hearing all their tales of adventure when they get back.

  • Y3, 5 and 6 children will be enjoying some Tag rugby sessions with a coach from Newcastle Falcons on Wednesday.  

  • Y3 head to the Countryside day on Thursday 6th June. 

I thoroughly enjoyed hearing from our Y6 friends when they returned from their residential in the week before the holiday. If you haven’t already done so, head onto the school website to see the photos and videos of their fabulous time away. My thanks go to Mrs Barrass, Mrs Pickard, Mr Rose and Mrs Murdy who accompanied the children. It’s a 24 hour a day job when we take the children on residential and we’re very lucky to have staff who volunteer to do this and take such time and care to support the children by; encouraging them to take on challenges, celebrating their achievements and ensuring their well-being at all times. 

Thank you to our Plum class friends who gave us a wonderful class assembly at the end of the half term. Your audience loved the scientific learning that you shared as well as your wonderful re-telling of the Hungry Caterpillar. The photos of your year in Plum showed how much you’ve all grown, learnt and enjoyed working together as a team!

Here are our final stars of the week from before the holidays. A big well done to: Alex Polinski, Florence Jones, Ella Routledge, Frankie Francis, Wilf Hughes, Alice-Rose Turnbull, Eryn Allen, Daisy Burgess and Gracie Shadlock. We are very proud of you all. 

Our attendance dipped a bit before the holidays with our whole school figure standing at 93.8%. There have been, and continue to be, lots of children out on term time holidays. Please do remember that this leave cannot be authorised. Willow Class were our best attenders with 97.8% - well done to you all!

With Germany as the host nation of the up-coming men’s Euro 2024 competition, we’ll enjoy some music from our European neighbour in the coming weeks. Here’s the beautiful Pachelbel’s Canon. Pachelbel lived between 1653 and 1706 and was born in the city of Nuremberg. Can you locate Nuremberg on a map of Germany? Can it be found in the north, east, south or west of the country? Smilies for anyone who can let me know!


See you in the week, 

Mrs G

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