Home Learning 30.03.20 - Week 2

Hi Rowan class!

I hope you are all keeping well and have managed to complete last week's work. This is all a bit strange but we will soon get into a routine, I'm sure.

If you need any extra help or guidance, don't forget you can get in touch with us using our school 360 email addresses. It would be lovely to hear how you are all getting on! Take care however as the wrong email address was detailed last week, the correct address is: jacqueline.oconnell1@school360.co.uk

In addition to English and Maths, we've included Science and French activities for you this week so you might want to begin the week by organising which piece of work you are going to do when. Create yourself a timetable like the one in the front of your planner so that you can work through this week’s home learning tasks at a manageable and steady pace. 

This week, I would like you to work your way through the following activities: 

English (From Mrs O’Connell):

Year 5: (and a selected few Year 6s)

Reading Comprehensions: please answer using full sentences.

- Jazz Harper: Space Explorer   and    - Catherine of Aragon

For the following 2 comprehensions (attached below), either print the pages off and write your answers on the sheet or read it on the screen and write your answers down on paper:

- Alice in Wonderland: please use pages 6-9    and     - William Shakespeare: pages 5-8.


- Year 5 Spring Term 1 sheets 1, 2 and 3


Year 6 / Beetles:

Please check which of the question books you have to ensure you do the correct activity.

SAT Question Book Stretch:

Page 8: What happens next

Page 10: Structure

Page 12: Choice of language

Page 14: comparing

Page 16: mixed practice- non-fiction

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Page 26: Prepositions

Page 27: Pronouns

Page 28: Determiners

Page 29: Mixed Practice


SAT Question Book:

Page 8: What happens next

Page 10: Structure

Page 12: Choice of language

Page 14: comparing

Page 16: mixed practice- story

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Page 26: Prepositions

Page 27: Pronouns

Page 28: Determiners

Page 29: Mixed Practice


Year 5 & 6 Spellings: Please look up the definitions of the following words and then write a sentence using each word, correctly and in context:









It would be great if someone could then test you on your spellings each week. Remember to keep a record of your scores and challenge yourself to do the best you can!

Year 5 & 6 Writing Task: Complete the writing task detailed on the PowerPoint below, trying to be as creative as you can! Once you’ve completed this task, please email me a copy of your work using your school360 accounts so that I can see how well you've done: jacqueline.oconnell1@school360.co.uk

Year 5 & 6 Reading: Please remember that you should also be reading every day: newspapers, magazines, online articles... read, read, read Rowan Class!

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Maths (From Mrs Murdy):

This week, lets focus on fractions.

Before you complete the activities in your maths booklet, watch these BBC Bitesize videos to remind yourself of how we compare, calculate and simplify fractions: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhdwxnb

Then, get yourself up and moving with this video clip from Super Movers - This will certainly ensure that you know your fraction facts: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-decimals-fractions-with-naomi-wilkinson/zf2gt39

I have also uploaded some Fraction Knowledge Organiser Mats to this week’s blog in order to support you with your independent work.

Now you can get started with the activities in your Maths Booklets:

Year 5 / Most of Bees:

Maths Booklet: Maths Assessment Year 5 Term 3: Fractions (= Page Title)

  Pages: 6th page (both sides) and the 7th page (one side – please do not progress on to decimals yet)


Fraction Application Challenge: Look at the two attached Year 5 White Rose Fraction Application 

  sheets: How many of the fraction challenges can you now answer?




Big Maths: Skills Check 2 (one side)

Arithmetic Booklet: Page 2 (one side)

Schofield and Sims Book: Next two pages in your book, totalling four completed pages to date.

Times Table Rock Stars: Garage Challenge - 10 games.

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Year 6 / Beetles

Maths Booklet: Maths Assessment Year 6: Fractions - Term 2 - Section A (= Page Title)

  Pages: 3rd page (both sides) and 4th page (both sides)


Fraction Application Challenge: Look at the two attached Year 6 White Rose Fraction Application 

  sheets: How many of the fraction challenges can you now answer?




Big Maths: Skills Check 2

Arithmetic Booklet: Page 1 (second side)

SATs Buster 10-min Test Book: Set A: Test 1 (x3 pages)

Schofield and Sims Book: Next two pages in your book, totalling four completed pages to date.

- Times Table Rock Stars: Garage Challenge - 10 games.


Year 5 and Year 6:

Extension: In our daily maths lessons, we keep our ‘Maths Mastery Brains’ alive by routinely reasoning and problem solving. When you have a spare 10-15min, have a look at these Home Learning videos by Gareth Metcalfe and give one a go: http://www.iseemaths.com/lessons56/

For those of you in Year 6, remember that you have your SATs Revision Books to help you as well.

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Science (From Mrs Murdy):

Over the past few weeks you have all done a fabulous job in your Science lessons of investigating electrical circuits through a series of controlled tests. It’s now time to introduce our new unit of work: Evolution and Inheritance.

This week, I would like you to answer the enquiry question: What is Evolution?

To do this, visit the websites below as well as any other age-appropriate texts. Your challenge is to then present your findings to Mrs Murdy by Monday 6th April.  This could be in the form of a poster, a PowerPoint presentation or even a creative piece of writing such as a poem or riddle.

Using your School360 email accounts, (found on your school360 homepage in the shape of an envelope), email Mrs Murdy a photograph or a copy of your finished work and she will then create an online gallery on the school website to showcase some of your fantastic, creative ideas: charlotte.murdy@school360.co.uk




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French (From Mrs A Smith):

Paques en France (Easter in France)

Bonjour! I thought you might like to know a little bit of detail about how Easter is celebrated in France.  Have a read through and there is a quiz at the end.

You might also like to have a go at creating your own Happy Easter card (Joyeux Paques) or picture and adding new French vocabulary from the information here or you could design your own Poisson d’Avril (read on to find out what this is!)

Mardi Gras- It actually means ‘Fat Tuesday' and it is known as Shrove Tuesday in English.  It is the last day when you can eat everything you like before the fasting period of Lent every Spring (Printemps).   On Mardi Gras, French people traditionally eat doughnuts (les beignets) or pancakes (les crêpes).

Ash Wednesday (mercredi des Cendres) is the first day of Lent which lasts for 40 days.

Palm Sunday (le dimanche des Rameaux) is the Sunday before Easter and it marks the beginning of the Holy Week. 

Les Cloches  (the bells)  On the evening of Easter Thursday (le Jeudi Saint) in France all the church bells fly away to Rome in Italy.  They visit the Pope (le Pape) in the Vatican to be involved in remembering the death of Jesus and to be blessed by the Pope.  So, all the church bells in France are silent until the morning of Easter Sunday.

Vendredi Saint (Good Friday) commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Le Dimanche de Paques (Easter Sunday) when Jesus was resurrected. Early on the morning of Easter Sunday the Easter bells (les cloches de Paques) fly back to France.  They drop chocolate eggs (oeufs en chocolat), chickens (poulets), bells and bunnies (lapin) in the gardens of the French towns. The children get up early excited because it is time for the chocolate egg hunt (la chasse aux oeufs) and all the bells ring again to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Les œufs de Pâques (Easter Eggs) – traditionally the eggs that were not eaten during Lent were decorated.

Le Repas (the meal) -There is generally an enormous amount of delicious food to eat on Le Dimanche de Paques. French people spend a lot of the day eating with the whole family altogether.  It is a very special and happy day.  People traditionally eat roast lamb (l'agneau). There are lots of vegetables, for example, potatoes (les pommes de terre). 

Poisson d’avril  (April fish) In France, April fish are also an Easter symbol and that is why you will find chocolate fish (la friture)  in the shops too.  You can buy chocolate goodies in sweet shops (les confiseries) or in shops specialising in chocolate (les chocolateries). 

Another important date is April Fools’ Day, on the 1st of April.  The tradition is that children play a trick on adults (parents, teachers…) by sticking decorated paper fish onto their back. Every time they manage to trick a grown-up, they run away shouting out “Poisson d'avril!” - and laughing lots too. 

French Easter quiz;

  1. The word for Easter is a) Paquet  b) Paques  c) Papillon
  2. Easter is in the season of   a) hiver  b) ete  c) printemps
  3. The French for Shrove Tuesday is  a) Mardi Gras  b) Carnaval  c) Mardi des crepes
  4. What do people traditionally eat on Shrove Tuesday?  a)  les crepes  b)le chocolat c) les oeufs
  5. Palm Sunday is  a) le dimanche des Rameaux  b) le Dimanche de Paques  c) le Dimanche de chocolat
  6. What is an oeuf de Paques? a)  an Easter card   b) an Easter bunny  c) an Easter egg
  7. According to French tradition where do all the church bells fly to at Easter? a)Madrid   b)Rome c)Paris
  8. In French the bells are called a) les lapins b) les cloches c) les oieseaux
  9. An egg hunt is a) une chasse aux oeufs  b) un panier d’oeufs c) un coquille des oeufs.
  10. An April Fool’s trick is called a) un lapin d’Avril  b) un moulton d’Avril  c) un poisson d’Avril