Corona Virus Closure - Week 4th May

Don't forget that it's really helpful if I can have an email from you each week letting me know that you've been able to access this work and that you're getting on OK at home.  Please get in touch at
Thank you!  
Hello there and welcome back to another week.  I hope that everyone had a happy weekend.
As always, it's really great to hear from you with all of the details of how you've got on during the week.  I love seeing the pictures of our fabulous Plums hard and work and the wonderful things that they produce. Keep them coming!  I do hope the children continue to enjoy seeing themselves in the Virtual Plum Class video and in the photo gallery. Congratulations to Oscar our wonderful star of the week.  A certificate will be winging its way to you. 
As is our usual routine, I've planned for three days of Read Write Inc, there is a maths activity for each day and some topic ideas to keep you going throughout the week.  This week, alongside our growing theme, we'll be enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  In addition, I've added the 1st chapter of The Twits by Roald Dahl and I hope to add a new video each day. I hope this is enjoyable for the children. 
So... on with the week!
Read Write Inc
As last week, I have attached a ditty and activity for each day.  I've introduced a new sound to the children ow - brown cow. This appears in our Monday session!  Or, you're welcome to follow the daily lessons online at: 
It's 10.00am for Mrs Vicky, Mr Rose and my group and 10.30am for Mrs Snowdon's group. 
Don't forget that the RWI sounds packs that I gave out at parent consultation meetings will be really handy for going over sounds and green words. 
So, in our number work this week we are going to be recapping our number bonds to 10 (that's all of the ways we can make 10 by adding two numbers together... 5 + 5, 7 + 3, 6 + 4 etc.) and we'll link these with number bonds to 20.  Then we'll look at the link between addition and subtraction and see that from a part, part whole model, we can make two addition and two subtraction calculations. Most of this work should be a recap for the children, there shouldn't be anything brand new. 
Warm up:
Count forwards and backwards to 20 and then have a go at counting in 2s to 20.  That should blow the weekend cobwebs away!
Use the ten frame sheet I've attached - or draw your own if that's easier than printing.
Get out some red blocks and some yellow blocks (they will need to fit in the squares on the ten frame).  Now, work systematically to find all the ways to make 10.  For example, place on 0 yellow blocks and 10 red blocks and record 0+10 = 10, then place on 1 yellow block and 9 red blocks and record 1+9= 10.  Keep going like this until you have found and recorded all 11 ways to make 10. 
Now try some quick fire questions like this "6 and what makes 10?" "2 and what makes 10?"
Final challenge: There are 10 children on a bus.  3 of the children are girls.  How many are boys?
You could get your child to draw the bus, use their fingers or use the 10 frame and the blocks if they are not able to work this out mentally. 
Warm up: Try to recall all of the ways to make 10
Activity: Today, let's look at the number bonds of 20.  We need to try to link these to the number bonds of 10.  The learning point is that if 3 + 7 = 10, then 13 + 7 = 20 and if 6 + 4 = 10, then 16 + 4 = 20 and so on.  Encourage your child to see that we have added 10 to one of the numbers in the bond. That changes it from being a bond of 10 to being a bond of 20.  I have attached a number stick challenege, you can make this by hand if that;s easier than printing. I have also attached a numicon sheet so that you can use this to make bonds of 20 if that works for your child. 
Warm up: Give your child a number bond of 10 (3 + 7)... can they turn it into a number bond of 20? (13 + 7).  Repeat with a few different numbers
Activity: Use the part, part wholes on the Wednesday maths sheet attached (you can easily just draw and write your own).  It might be handy to have some blocks to use for this activity. Look at the part part whole and see if you can make an addition calculation and a subtraction calculation.  The children already know that when they add, they make the greatest number and when they take away, they subtract from the greatest number.
Extra challenge: Can you make 2 additions and 2 subtractions for each of the part, part, wholes?  We call these the fact families. 
Thursday and Friday: 
Warm up: Count backwards and forwards to 20 and get your child to recall some bonds of both 10 and 20. 
Activity: Jack has 20 magic beans - can you make these?  Make them bright and colourful and cut them out. Pop them onto a plate.  Let's play a game!
Now, each time you play start with all 20 beans.  Choose an amount that Jack is going to plant and pop these onto another plate to pretend to plant them.  Can you draw the part part whole you have created for your magic beans?  Remember, 20 will always be the total.  The ones that Jack plants are one part and the ones he keeps are another part. Can you write an addition and explain it? (For example: Jack planted 13 seeds and there are 7 seeds left and that is 20 altogether 13 + 7 = 20)  Can you write a subtraction and explain it?  (For example,there were 20 seeds and Jack planted 13 of them and now there are 7 left 20 - 13 = 7). 
This game will help to reinforce our bonds of 20 and the link between addition and subtraction. 
Have fun playing!
Year 1: 
All of the above activities are learning points are supported by the White Rose materials found at the link below in section for week beginning 4th May.  Using these materials will help your child to apply what they have learnt this week. 
Activity 1:
For this activity, we're going to recall what a plant needs to grow healthily and hopefully see this with our own eyes!  We try to make as much of our scientific work as practical and investigative as possible and so if you can - set this experiment up at home too.  But if not, don't worry, I'll be posting my results next week for everyone to see.   So, watch the garden video below and encourage your child to think about the questions that I posed. 
What does a plant need to help it to grow?
What will happen if it doesn't get any light?
What will happen if it doesn't get any water?
Then see if you can record your child's predictions on a sheet of paper. 
Activity 2: 
Listen to or watch the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  You can use the story that I've attached, a book you already have at home or just re-tell it from memory! Enjoy talking about it and retelling it together.  Encourage the use of lots of great story telling language and lots of vocal expression.  Can you be really cross like Jack's mum?  Can you have a big booming voice like the giant?  There's also a story map sheet  attached in case that's useful!
Activity 3: 
Gather together some junk model resources during the week (boxes, yogurt pots, tubes etc) and then make a fantastic giant's castle once you've collected everything you need. You could even make the beanstalk too if you're feeling really creative.  Just like we do at school, you can then add in your lego, building blocks and other loose parts to make a fabulous small world play activity.  You could even make some characters in hard cardboard to add to your creation.  Then, have a great time playing, re-telling the story or even making up a new story!  I can't wait to hear about and see some of your creations because I know that Plum Class have WONDERFUL imaginations! 
Activity 4: 
In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack finds a harp in the giant's castle.  Have you seen or heard a harp?  Harps are the most beautiful instruments!  They have a magical sound and Mrs Grimes has always wanted to learn to play the harp.  Maybe one day that dream will come true!  So, let's look at a harp and listen to some beautiful harp music.  I've attached a link.
Now, listen to the music again but this time, I want you to imagine that you have magic beans.  You scatter them in your garden and the next day, a bean stalk has grown.  But, what is at the top of your beanstalk.  As you listen to the music, close your eyes and imagine your adventure!
Once you've done this, you can draw, paint or collage your story!  I would love to see what you imagined.  
For an extra challenge: Have a go at writing your adventure.  I would really love to see your writing!  Don't forget to use your sounds, leave your fingers spaces, start your sentences with a capital letter and finish with a full stop.  I wonder if anyone can do the 3 sentence challenge? Or, maybe you could smash it right out of the park and do 5!
I hope that you enjoy all of the activities for the week. 
Feel free to give any constructive feedback on what works well or what is difficult to do at home and I'll try to tailor future weeks accordingly. 
As always, remember that this is suggested activity.  Do what you can, when you can and stay happy and healthy. 
Sending you all my very best wishes  and don't forget to let me know if I can support you any further,
Mrs G