Corona Virus closure- Week 4 (27.4.20)

Sycamore class- Weekly Blog 27th April 2020

Hello Sycamore Class!


I hope you are all safe and still smiling!


Firstly, I want to say how impressed I am with the work you have sent in. Lots of Greens on our Big Maths, I have lots of films to watch after your recommendations and the creativity in your St George’s task has blown me away.


Last week, I had the difficult decision of choosing a ‘Star of the Week’ from our class. This week I chose Amy T due to the fantastic work she has been completing and creativity in Art. Who will it be this week……?


In our Home Learning this week we will be starting poetry in English with reading and writing challenges. For Maths, we have arithmetic, Big Maths, Schofield & Sims, TTRS and a few worksheet challenges looking at division. We also have Science, History and Mrs Smith has created a fabulous French activity for you, all about French Food.


Remember if you need any help or are stuck on a question please email me using your School360 account.


This week I am in school so will be replying to emails in the evenings.


Have a great week and keep smiling!


Miss Back


Work to submit this week:

This week I would like you to submit your Division and English poetry tasks by Monday 4th May. I can then give each of you, personal feedback. I also enjoy receiving pictures or notes about other fun and exciting things you have been up to so keep sending me these messages.





Task 1,2 and 3




This week you are all going to be investigating different poems and then writing your own poem based on one of these poems. You need to complete the lessons in the following order, they have been numbered to help you:

1)     Pleasant Sounds

2)    The Day the Dragons Won the Lottery

3)    A Martian Sends a Postcard Home


If you can, please print off the poems so you can highlight and write on the sheet, you will also need a couple of blank sheets for you to write on. If you don’t have access to a printer, please write down the information as you read it. You then just need to follow the PowerPoints through as they talk you through each poem and give you tasks to complete. They should be fairly straightforward but please do email me if you have any problems or questions. I have included a poetry terms help sheet, there are far more on there than you need but it will help to remind you of any words you have forgotten the meaning of!


Task 4


Writing Task: This week you are going to write your own poem based on ‘A Martian Sends a Postcard Home’ so you will need to have completed this lesson before you write your poem. I would like you to write a minimum of four verses in the style of this poem, showing the alien’s confusion and misunderstanding about everyday objects. I would then like this poem to be decorated as creatively as you can, it can either be done on the computer or by hand. Please email your final poems to me by Monday 4th May.


Task 5- Reading task


Please remember that you should also be reading every day: newspapers, magazines, online articles,,, read, read, read Sycamore Class!





Task 1 and 2- Please submit a copy of p19


This week we are moving onto short division.  To start, remind yourself of the steps using this guide.


Then complete p18 of your maths booklet, which is dividing 3 digits by 1 digit.

Now it is time to move onto 4 digit by 1 digit. Then read through and follow the steps in the Powerpoint before completing p19 (submitted task).



At the bottom of the page, you will find a challenge to get those clever brains really thinking!

Please send me a copy of p19 sheets so I can give personal feedback.


Task 3


TT Rockstar complete 10 studio sessions.


Task 4


Your next Big Maths sheet


Task 5


Next 2 pages of Schofield and Sims. If you get stuck on any questions, please drop me an email with that question so I can help you along.




Sir Francis Drake


Do you remember this man from our assembly? Drake was a British explorer and navy captain. He sailed round the world between 1577 and 1580 in his ship the Golden Hind. It is time to find out a little more about him. Read the documents I have attached (Francis Drake and the voyage of the Golden Hind). There is also a video if you want to find out more

Then decide: Sir Francis Drake: hero or pirate?

To help you give me reasons for and against before you decide.













I think Sir Francis Drake was a hero/pirate (circle your choice) because…







Now we understand a little more about inherited traits it is time to investigate adapted traits.  Start by watching these 2 videos from BBC Bitesize.


Read through the Powerpoint ‘Adaptation’ then complete the task. I have also uploaded a selection of habitats. I would like you to pick one, then create your own animals who could live there- focusing on how the animals would be adapted to suit their surroundings



French (From Mrs Smith): Le Petit Dejeuner

What do you normally have for breakfast? Cereal, toast, bacon and eggs?

There are some differences between what we normally have for breakfast and what children in France have:

  • Often children have bread and a bowl of hot chocolate at breakfast time. Cereals may also be served.
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice is often served.
  • On special occasions or at weekends a French breakfast is often more elaborate with fresh bread and pastries such as croissant, pain au chocolat, pain aux raisins.
  • As in England what is eaten at breakfast time does vary from family to family.


When I was at high school (a long time ago!) I went on a French exchange trip where I spent two weeks living with a family in France and I still remember enjoying sipping hot chocolate from a bowl at breakfast time!

You can watch Au petit dejeuner-Alain Le Lait (Breakfast) on YouTube for a bit of a sing song!

Since breakfast, wherever you live, is a very important meal to get you started for the day, I thought this week we’d learn some French vocabulary and phrases used at breakfast time.  Once you are familiar with the words and their pronunciation you might like to have a go at a role play and/or complete the attached word search.


- un croissant   (krwah/sah)  a croissant

- un pain au chocolat (pan o shock-o-lah) rectangular pastry with dark chocolate in the centre

- un pain aux raisins  (pan oh- raisin) circular pastry with currants and raisins

- une tartine (tahr/teen )   a slice of bread and butter

- un chocolat chaud (shoh/koh/lah shoh) a hot chocolate

- un jus d’orange (zhew doh/rah-zh) an orange juice



- Tu veux?  Would you like?   /  Je voudrais I would like

- S’il te plait / please

- Merci / thankyou                  /  Non, merci   no thankyou


Role play  Have a go at asking these questions and answers either yourself or with a parent. You can always replace the underlined words with another breakfast food or drink from the list above.

  • Tu veux un jus d’orange? (would you like an orange juice?)     Oui, merci.  (yes, thankyou)
  • Tu veux un croissant?   (would you like a croissant?)  Non, merci.  (no, thankyou)_
  • Je voudrais un pain au chocolat.  Merci.  (I would like a chocolate pastry. Thankyou.)

There is also a word search attached too:  Cherche les mots! (Find the breakfast items)