Blog 22nd November

Well what a fast week that was!

We have had such a great week with lots of fabulous learning, play and getting along with each other.

Owl Babies has been our focus story for the week and this has been the stimulus for more night time discussion, some work on nocturnal animals and lots of creativity.  The children have really enjoyed making owl hideouts – some even had traps for foxes to keep the owl babies safe!  The children have discovered a wealth of nocturnal animals that can be found in the environment close by to them and also further afield.  We were quite taken with the night monkeys! 

We’ve been getting a little bit philosophical again this week and our big question within our sustained shared thinking was, “Is it ok that mummy owl left her babies on their own?”  Well, this was the start of a great discussion!  Most thought it was absolutely not ok but then some changed their minds as we explored the idea that there may be a different set of rules for animals than for humans.  Some chatted about the fact that it’s ok that our mummies leave us at school because we’re safe with the grownups who look after us there.  A big well done to everyone who joined in with our big question discussion!

Our Year 1 children thought and wrote about how the baby animals felt when mummy was away and everyone managed to write 3 sentences.  Wow!  Lots of Reception children had a go at hearing and writing down the dominant sounds in the owl names, Sarah, Percy and Bill.  Maybe you could have a go at writing the dominant sounds of characters in your favourite books over the weekend.

Thanks to all who completed Year 1 homework about day time hour in the winter.  The children are in the process of sharing their learning as a video and we’ll look forward to showing you this!

In our mathematical work, we applied our addition skills as we bought from a fruit shop.  The children had 10p and had to work out combinations of two fruits which could be bought.  For example, the apple costing 4p and the banana costing 6p.  The children then recorded the addition calculations.  Maybe you could set up a little shop over the weekend and find the total when you buy two items within 10p.

We began to learn the songs for our production of the Sleepy Shepherd this week and we’ll be in touch very soon with news of parts and costume information.  Don’t worry – this will not be complicated!  Meanwhile – I hope the children share some of these songs with you at home.  The title song ‘Sleepy Shepherd’ is a current favourite!

I do hope you all have a good weekend and I’ll see you on Monday morning.